Control your Divine Masculine's Running
This Light Language Activation will activate Your DM TO STOP RUNNING FROM YOU AS YOU TAKE CONTROL OF THE SITUATION. YOU WILL ACTIVATE HIM TO FULLY REMOVE THE EMOTIONS AND IDEAS THAT HE IS HOLDING ONTO FOR SEPARATION. WE WILL ACTIVATE HIM TO RELEASE SUCH IDEAS THAT ARE KEEPING HIM HOSTAGE TO KEEPING YOU AWAY FROM HIM BECAUSE HE DOES NOT FULLY UNDERSTAND WHAT IS HAPPENING. IT WILL GIVE HIM THE RIGHT REALISATION AND BRING HIM TO CHASING ENERGY AS IS NEEDED FOR LOVE AND UNION. HE WILL BE CHASING YOU POST THIS ACTIVATION, It will also activate him to Communicate stubborn emotions that are yet to be released. He will be speaking them to you. There will be a shift in the energy of your chasing. You will take a step back from doing so, so that he can take the lead. He will be activated to lead you.
Directions: Activate 17 Times Everyday X 1 Month
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