Twin Flame Healing for Communication Blockages
This Light Language Activation is for all Twin Flames to push through Communication Blockages at the DNA level.
It will direct you both to find multiple opportunities to communicate with one another especially if you're stuck in such timelines where communication in 3D may not be possible.
It will also enable the unawakened counterpart to receive the communication vibrationally.
You may be revealed Past Life Shadow responsible for Communication Blockages.
Directions: 7 times a day for 7 days per month X 7 months.
Meditate afterwards to be more receptive to the downloads that come through. You may experience; Emotional release/stomach release/vomiting/headaches/insomnia/sudden rage etc. All reactions to these transmissions are normal. Feel such emotions and let them go.
That’s how a toxic program leave your Divine Vessel!
You will receive a link via Email to download the same.