Heal Father Wounds
This Light Language Transmission will activate you to heal Father wounds.
All wounds received from your first outer masculine(Your Father) will be revealed to you.
You will become conscious of the toxic masculine templates you are operating with, and convincing them to be your false narrative.
Everything that you have seen your father do to Himself/Your mom in your childhood or until made conscious, has been defined LOVE by you.
Such wounded definitions of love require healing and this transmission will activate you to do the same.
Directions: Take this Activation 6 times a day(in a row) X 7 days every month(in a row) X 6 months.
Meditate afterwards to be more receptive to the downloads that come through. You may experience; Emotional release/stomach release/vomiting/headaches/insomnia/sudden rage etc.
All reactions to these transmissions are normal.
Feel such emotions and let them go.
That’s how a toxic program leave your divine vessel!
You will receive a link via Email to download the healing.