Sacred Union Merge Codes
These are Sacred Twin Flame Union codes for Physical Merge of Divine Counterparts.
They will assist you in clearing the chakra system of wound based sexuality and activate Heart based sexuality for TRUTHFUL EXPRESSION.
They will also activate Sacred Union via Sacred Lovemaking that comes from the heart without any EGO/LUST/SELFISH Desires attached to the Physical Merge.
You will understand what it means to UNITE SEXUALLY with your Divine Counterpart.
Any Program/DNA Infiltration that stops you from expressing yourself with your counterpart sexually will also come up for a release.
You will also be activated for Sacred Expression of the SELF via Sexuality to lead you both to God.
Highly recommended to all Feminines as your womb is a DIVINE FLOWER meant to flow in God Based Pleasure.
You will be activated to receive your Masculine sexually with these codes.
These codes will push you to embrace and accept your sexuality as a way to honour your relationship with God and Each other.
Directions: Look at the Activation for 5 Minutes every weekend(Saturday and Sunday) X 5 Weekends.
Give a gap of 5 Weeks then repeat.
Carry out the process a total of 3 times.
Meditate afterwards to be more receptive to the downloads that come through. You may experience;
Emotional release/stomach release/vomiting/headaches/insomnia/sudden rage etc. All reactions to these transmissions are normal. Feel such emotions and let them go.
That’s how a Toxic Program leave your Divine Vessel!
You will receive a link via Email to download the Same.