Stay on Union Timeline
These Light Codes will Activate you to Stay on Union Timeline.
As you take this activation, You will be activated to collapse False Projections that keep you on a Separation Timeline.
You have to Actively choose Union everyday by aligning Sacred Masculinity with Sacred Femininity.
(Action space feeding Love)
Anyone who takes this activation will benefit from it as you’ll manifest both Inner/Outer Union in Time.
It is AN IMAGE that can be saved in your phones/laptops.
Directions: Look at these codes 5 times a day X 5 minutes X 5 Days
These are EXTREMELY POWERFUL and you will be purging many wounds with it.
Meditate afterwards to be more receptive to the downloads that come through.
You may experience;
Emotional release/stomach release/vomiting/headaches/insomnia/sudden rage etc. All reactions to these transmissions are normal. Feel such emotions and let them go.
That’s how a toxic program leave your Divine Vessel!
You will receive a link to download the IMAGE via Email.